"Working age" dementia

A week today, 21st September, is World Alzheimer's Day.
Dementia is considered 'working age' or 'young onset' when it affects people under 65 years of age.
Some facts about working age dementia:
It is estimated that there are 42,325 people in the UK who have been diagnosed with young onset dementia. (Ref Dementia UK, 2nd edition 2014, Alzheimer’s Society). They represent around 5% of the 850,000 people with dementia.
People with young onset dementia are more likely to be diagnosed with rarer forms of dementia and are more likely to have a genetically inherited form of dementia.
Prevalence rates for young onset dementia in black and minority ethnic groups are higher than for the population as a whole. People from BAME backgrounds are less likely to receive a diagnosis or support.
With all of us potentially working into our 70s and beyond, it is so important to understand what dementia means, the forms it takes and support that can be provided. Everyone's experience of dementia is unique and the progression of the condition varies. To find out more visit: https://www.youngdementiauk.org/types-dementia-younger-people-0
Stats and info from: https://www.youngdementiauk.org/young-onset-dementia-facts-figures