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Music therapy the new art therapy?
An interesting study has recently been published in the Journal of Neuroscience which has found that brain waves can be altered by...

It has been a while ..
It has been a while since I posted a blog. This has been because I have undertaken some self development, which means that I am now able...

Value of the body vs value of the mind
We invest more time in looking after our teeth on a daily basis than we do looking after our minds. In the words of Guy Winch, a...

Recovery - let's celebrate
We seem to find it difficult to celebrate stories of recovery and hope and I am uncertain as to why this is? Is it about people’s fear,...

Eating Disorders Awareness Week
It is Eating Disorders Awareness Week - the theme of the week is early intervention. Like so many issues in life the earlier the...

Are you in your mate's corner?
The more shares, views, comments, likes and conversations you create, the more people will know how to be there for their mates. You also...

Don't be oblivious
Great video to help raise awareness of mental health in the workplace. So important for breaking stigma and discrimination for people...

Cost to the UK economy ...
Workplace mental health problems cost the UK economy over £26 billion a year through lost working days, staff turnover and lower...

Light at the end of the tunnel
Seasonal affective disorder is a depressive illness caused by shortened daylight hours and a lack of sunlight. It is estimated that for...

Where to find support, if you need to talk - young minds
With this being Children's Mental Health week, this is a good list of resources, so if anyone you know is struggling with how they feel...
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